
Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

Let me be perfectly clear in saying the scriptures do not say either attitude is right or more right than the other. My point being made first that we should give allowance to those who hold a different opinion on the esteeming of days. It matters not.

When did holy days become holidays? When did holidays become paid vacation? When did time off work become more important than self-esteem gained through lawful employment? Am I leading you from that which is holy to that which is worldly? Perhaps that is why I took a stance for holding all days alike. That doesn’t make me right.

People celebrate days for various reasons. Hopefully it is because of something more meaningful in their lives than a day off work. Hopefully it is more meaningful than an excuse to get drunk, lose control and make something good sound like something to be avoided. I cannot control how people celebrate any more than I can in what they celebrate. The only thing I can control is how I treat my fellow many who esteems one day above another.

Paul said to be “fully persuaded in his own mind”. A mind is something that can be changed. Give allowance for that. I say that because this Easter seems to hold a special place for me this week. Why? Because I heard a Word from the Lord, something I want to hear every day, all days alike.

Matthew 14:2, Matthew 28:6-7, Mark 16:6 “He is risen”


2 Corinthians 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

2 Corinthians 3:2 loving called the address by those of us who are chosen to teach the Word of God. If you were so fortunate to view the original letter you would find raw text, no chapter and verse would be indicated. The inclusion of chapter and verse was for the sole purpose of navigation. We often include the address in teachings so that the listener may return to the subject matter and study it in more depth.

I made a comment to my associate pastor yesterday that I had to reread scriptures to reinforce my memory as to the location and accuracy of the text. His response was profound and inspired this article.

“It is harder to get them written on the heart.”

When Paul wrote his letters to the churches do you think he had any idea that those words would be canonized? I don’t think so. Paul’s vision might have looked more like 2 Cor. 3:2, that believers would become living epistles. What would the address be for scripture written on your heart? It isn’t like anyone could look into your heart to read them. Those words would be worked out in what you say and what you do.

“be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only”

Do you really need the address?