
Isaiah 40:3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Perhaps Israel did not understand this prophetic message because it was sandwiched between words of victory and exaltation. It would seem difficult to receive a word that you are lost after a victory. The furthest thing from their minds would be that they were lost in the wilderness. The passage doesn’t explicitly say that, it says prepare ye the way of the Lord. The way was not yet understood.

In Matthew 3 John the Baptist preached repentance of sin and baptized all who confessed. He even declared that he was that voice in the wilderness spoken of in Isaiah 40:3. The way of the Lord is prepared by repentance and confession. Now it understood. But by whom is it understood?

Why was the cry made in the wilderness? Wilderness is seen as a place with no protection, being at risk, or a place to find the lost. For those who initially found John, they did not see themselves as lost. They were on a journey. Some were merchants. Their mission was monetary, their focus was on gain. Perhaps some within the caravan where travelers seeking protection of the merchants. Neither of these would consider themselves lost. Even if they heard John crying out, they might not recognize the message was meant for them.

When does the message of repentance and confession reach the lost? Only when they recognize their own personal wilderness experience. Those circumstances are beyond the call and control of the messenger. We may see a person and recognize they are in peril but we cannot give them that wilderness experience.

So, how do you know for sure that you are not lost? Neither your goals nor your security can define that position. You have to see it for yourself.

Just Love

1 John 5:1-2Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God,

A friend at lunch declared “I just love God.” Now he went on and expanded on that but I was struck deeply by his opening comment. What does it mean to just love God? Even if you were to examine that declarative in a world view, how do we show love?

If you love someone you want to spend time with them. To love God one should pray, meditate, and read one’s bible.

If you love someone you want to share your inner self, allow them to know the real you. To love God one needs to confess themselves to God.

If you love someone you want to introduce them to your friends. To love God one professes one’s faith.

If you love someone you allow who they are to influence who you are, you find unity, oneness. To love God you are conformed into the image of Jesus Christ.

If you love someone you involve them in what you do. To love God you walk with Him in step knowing that you are doing all things together, either by His call or yours.

If you love someone you care about what they care about. To love God you will love who God loves.

If you love someone you speak highly of them, never disrespecting them. To love God you praise Him.

If you love someone you remain faithful. To love God you place your faith as a bond of relationship.

If you love someone you plan on marrying them. To love God you become espoused to His Son Jesus Christ.

If you love someone their love for you is everything. To love God you reflect the love He has for you.

Did you notice I failed to include the last line of 1 John 5:2? “and keep His commandments.” I did so because I did not want to confuse this issue with many laws and issues man deems necessary. People put expectations on people and I did not want to overburden you. Jesus said to love God and to love one another. If you love God you will do the second in doing the first. And what about all the rest of the commandments?

Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Just Love God.