Default Setting

Proverb 30:10 Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty.

My wife finally had enough. “Stop apologizing, you haven’t done anything wrong.”

My default setting was guilt. I assume the role without cause or justification. It just never occurred to me that I am both my Master’s servant and his accuser. Can I break the cycle by simply believe this scripture?

The scriptures reveal the truth in many matters, but having a head knowledge of the truth is not that same thing as accessing its healing power. Belief has to be more than acknowledgement of truth it has to be a resetting of your defaults. The essence of a default setting is to render the code back to the manufacturer’s original design, removing faults that have corrupted the code.

When it comes to human emotions and habits, it is not as easy as hitting a reset button. Oh if wishing could make it so.

Philippians 2:12c … work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

It is work and work has to be performed to get results.

James 1:22-24 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

I could start by stop accusing my Master’s servant. That would be a start.

What is your default setting?



Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

I ask, does sowing to the flesh only apply to sinners or can it apply to believers also? I truly believe that God wants to bless His children but the release of blessings is found in obedience of faith. Perhaps that is secular in application because we tend to believe that rewards come to those who deserve it. Grace on the other hand states that favor is unmerited. But does favor equal blessings?

I was thinking this morning about Meriam when she was cursed with leprosy and Moses had to intercede on her behalf. I wondered if like Meriam, if I were to sow in the flesh, would God curse me? I feel like I bring on my own misery but that does not mean God caused it. Meriam’s example may have been more about God showing His displeasure with her attitude and speech. What happened to here was as much an example for us in what displeases God than a warning of impending curses by God.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Knowing this, and knowing we have sown in the flesh, it seems fair to assume that we develop a fear of the two edge sword and fail to open and enter into the Word.

Malachi 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

So it would seem from this that the curse falls on the blessing, meaning that we missed out on the blessing because we did not continue in the Word and allow the Word to bring the blessings in obedience of faith.

What say you?