How To

Galatians 5:19 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

On my webpage is a work called “Walking in the Spirit”. In it I have tried to describe what I know about walking in the spirit. It is roughly fifteen thousand words. Nowhere in that descriptive dialogue can I find one example of how to do it.

I had hoped that it would be a roadmap to walking in the spirit. I find that it is woefully short of my expectations. It is full of quotes from the bible. It is full of information I have collected as I experienced God.

When a baby learns to walk, you cannot tell them what to do. They either have a desire to walk or they do not. Some take to being encouraged, others do not. Some refuse to stay sitting and take every opportunity to pull themselves up and try to walk, even before their little bodies are ready.

Is it possible that walking in the spirit is like a baby learning how to walk? That the Holy Spirit takes us by the hand and helps us walk without words or instruction, but takes the supportive role in our desires to walk in the spirit? Can you walk in the spirit and not be aware of it, just as you give very little thought to the process of walking, you just get up and do it.

I look to this passage in Galatians and know that Christ is still in my life event though I still sin. 1 John 1:8 tells me that I have sin, and to deny that fact is to be deceived. So is the absence of “lust of the flesh” a true sign of walking in the spirit or me deceiving myself yet once again?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.







Leviticus 19:31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.

What is a familiar spirit? No, don’t answer that. Why am I curious about things I do not understand? Sounds childish doesn’t it. The science of curiosity dates back to the crib doesn’t it? Infant eyes, not able to focus yet perceive a moving mobile above and reaches out trying to touch it. Curiosity is so ingrained into our being we seldom give it much thought.

Why was Eve standing at the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Perhaps she was curious. Granted we warn that curiosity has some inherent dangers for the unlearned, but the instinct seems to be inherent, does it not? Is it possible that curiosity is part of the original design? We give curiosity as a reason for many fantastic scientific discoveries. Explorers exist because of curiosity. Adventures exist because of curiosity.

Do you allow your curiosity to be part of your spiritual walk? Does your reading of the bible spark any interests into the why? Why is it put that way? Why do they use that phrase? How is that relevant? Or is it that you are more curious about worldly matters than Kingdom business?

I happen to believe that God designed us with a curious mind with reason, with intent, that see that there are great mysteries hidden within the bible that we would explore the Word more closely and with a desire to discover more about God than when we first began. If not, then why not perfect us at that moment of submission into an all knowing, perfected state of oneness with God?

Since God did not do that, there has to be a reason. I wonder what it could be.

Hmmmm, now where do I look for the answer to that question?