Proverbs 26:4-5 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
I have to admit I was stumped when I first read these passages. It seemed contradictory as to how I should act. I sought wise counsel and was told perhaps the spirit would answer because he had no better answer at the moment.
Awakened by barking in the middle of the night, one dog barking, the other not, I saw they were both dogs but their behaviors were different. So too are both fools but their behaviors are different.
The fool is verse 4 takes nothing seriously. Everything is a joke to him. You cannot answer him in his folly without acting the fool yourself. You will be seen as being the same.
Now the fool in verse 5 is seriously minded, believes with earnest intent those things which will lead to destruction, which ignores salvations free will offering. Because he is serious minded and because he will reason with you, you will have an opportunity to speak the truth in love and allow the truth to do what truth does best, shed light in dark places.
The reason I call this devotional treaty is because with the first fool you cannot make a treaty, he will not take it seriously and will not hold to anything he says which might sound like agreement.
With the second, even if you cannot come to complete agreement about all things which lead to salvation, if he gives his word on a matter, he will take it seriously. This will offer each of you sustainable peace which over time and relationship lead to complete understanding and agreement and salvation for all.
And isn’t salvation the point behind all this?