Genesis 24:65 For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.
Once again returning to the issue of first use, we look to the Word to discover meaning in the vail. That vail that was torn from top to bottom, the wall of partition that was removed when Christ died, this is the entry point of understanding.
Chapter 24 of Genesis is the great telling of Isaac and Rebekah and how they became wed. If you have not read this story in a while, be blessed to refresh your memory and all the great parallels found in the telling. This parallel is left to the vail.
The vail of covering is a vail of knowing. The bride groom is presented the bride, but the vail of knowing is not removed until the bride is received. Understand this plainly, this occurs before the actual wedding ceremony. The bridegroom has the bride revealed to Him when the Father says this is your bride, take her in hand.
Then the bride is prepared and the groom goes off to build their home.
The vail of the temple was torn from top to bottom when Jesus died on the Cross. The Father has declared, this is your bride, take her in hand. We are the bride, we are being prepared, and Jesus is preparing our home for us.
Anyone looking forward to a wedding feast?