
Romans 14:1 As for the man who is a weak believer, welcome him [into your fellowship], but not to criticize his opinions or pass judgment on his scruples or perplex him with discussions. (AMPC)

I shifted to the Amplified Classic version of the bible for a clearer understanding of this verse over the KJV. In part I did this because the KJV isn’t for everyone. I use it in my writings so that I do not have to keep close track of bible quotations of copyright limitations. The second reason is consideration of those who have been victims of those of us that find it easy to understand the KJV. It was archaic language at the time of its writing and was use intentionally because it was archaic.

I apologize for my constant use of the KJV but please understand my desire to honor copyright laws. The KJV is free of copyright. Those who have practiced understanding to the depth of going back before the KJV, into the Greek and Hebrew, the Latin and even the Aramaic are consider scholars, men and women of higher learning.

That does not make them higher people. That does not give them, or me, a right to look down on people or to talk down to people. It is not an encouragement to those who do not possess the skills at languages to constantly speak in other languages. Encouragement is one of our callings and we must be considerate of those around us as to our speech, be it encouraging or discouraging.

Isaiah 40:4 Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain.

That is God leveling the playing field.

We should honor and obey God’s effort to reach all His creation.


Job 11:18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety.

Security of the believer has always been an important issue with me. It is important to me because I understand the issues of security or more accurately insecurity. Allow me if you will to explain up front, this is an emotional issue and not a spiritual one.

“How do I know I am saved?”

If we listen closely we should hear the voice of insecurity. Those of us who are strong in faith, bold in the Word and secure in our relationship will have a different approach to answering this question. We might start quoting scripture and laying out sound doctrinal viewpoints as to why Christ has done for us all that we cannot do for ourselves. This does nothing to address the issue.

If you ask yourself this question, in one form or another, I would offer you this one observation first before trying to get to the root of the problem. People who are not saved do not worry about it. The fact you are concerned is a good indicator of your heart condition.

Job 11:18 gives us good advice about security. His first point is hope. There is hope for you because you care enough to ask the honest question. You are being real about your emotions and have a desire for things to be better. His second point is environmental, dig about thee. The root of the problem is in the life you lead or the life you had before Christ. Insecurity has a basis in relationship. Somebody did not make you feel safe and secure.

The third and most vital point made is relational. If you are not in a place where you have fellowship with loving brothers and sisters in Christ that make you feel secure, you can do something about that. Fellowship should make you feel like part of the body of Christ and being a part helps ease the tensions of insecurity. It begins with sharing what you have found in digging into your environment and being real with the group. If they rally to your side you are on your way to security. If they do not……

God wants you to feel loved and secure.