Genesis 2:18 Now the Lord God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him.” AMP
I like to read the Amplified version of the bible from time to time because it expands upon an idea and gives greater attention to God’s intention. It is always good to have as much information as possible about God’s intentions in scriptures.
This one verse has different translations, some say helper meet, others say helpmate. Without a clear understanding of God’s intention, we will by nature place our needs within that verse since we are the one that receives a “helper”. (advice for men only)
A helper is required in the natural sense to accomplish something I cannot do on my own. There is an assumed role of primary responsibility and subordinate. The subordinate has to be told what to do and how. Immediately that attitude destroys balance. A counterpart is needed to keep things in balance, so that man will not go overboard.
A subordinate is used and feels used. That is not the same thing as feeling useful. Men have a tendency to lean on the “in charge” attitude. We like to remember the verse in 1 Corinthians1:3 that says the man is the head of the woman while at the same time ignoring the instruction that came first in that verse that Christ is the head of the man. We also tend to fail to remember and understand 1 Corinthians 11:7 that states the woman is the glory of the man.
Perhaps our most serious mistake is when we are looking for a helpmate, we look for a mate rather than a helper. A helper is God’s intention towards us, to give balance, stability and to complete us. We are not as our fathers told us sufficient unto ourselves. Our sufficiency is in Christ.