Grace Extensions

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

I’ve been with the Lord for decades, a lifetime by some people’s standards. I have seen much, I have heard much and most importantly my heart has experienced much. I am nearing the end of this life as my timeline is recorded. I don’t have enough time left to explore all that God is and does. It is just impossible.

Every moment has been precious and full of promise. God has never disappointed me. Every day with God is a gift, and an extension of the grace He has shown towards me.

Reflect for a moment about all the things of this world you care about. Where is your passion, your zeal, your time, energy and resources spent? Have any of those things returned love? It is impossible for things to love and extend grace. People can, I hope you have love in your life. I hope you have God in your life. Nothing else can love you in return.

Have you considered being God’s grace extension? That is exactly what God has prepared you to be, gracious, loving and kind. Jesus promised us the abundant life in John 10:10 but is it abundant if we fill it with things that cannot love us in return? Is that life?

I was just thinking of my dear wife. She loves to cook. Her expressions of love in cooking sound like this; “Here try this.” “Is it too salty for you?” “Careful its hot.” “Let’s have our friends over.” Love of cooking is pointless without someone to enjoy it with you. It doesn’t matters how good a meal is if you have to eat it alone. That is a lonely experience. We aren’t meant to be that way.

Grace given is grace extended or it loses its savor.


Yesterday’s title was Grace Favors and may have had an expectation of at least one grace favor explained. Rather than that I quoted all of Isaiah 61 without comment. I left you alone with the Word.

Did the Word speak to you? Did you find relevant meaning in any portion of those verses? Could you see your gracious God in relationship to your personal experience? Was there any relevant truth in the scripture on a personal level?

Or were you disappointed in my leaving you alone with the Word? I hope not. You should never feel disappointed, lonely, abandoned, or confused in God’s Word. That is not why God gave us His Word. God gives His Word to keep His Word. God is not a liar.

This devotional is being written to remind you that expectations should be based on the promises of God. Those promises are the only hope we have in this life. If you have been reading my devotionals for any length of time you know my style, you know my calling, you might even recall some of my personal experiences. You still do not know me. There is more to who I am than is in my writings.

God is more, so much more than what you expect. These gracious favors that I want to explain to you can only be seen in those parts in which we have a cooperative role. All you have to do is read Isaiah 61 again to realize that God does gracious favors for us that we may never be aware of in this lifetime.

You have not had all your life experiences yet. You will see more grace. Do not expect it. Enjoy God’s grace for what it is and not for what you want it to be.