Evil God

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Another lie is that because God created Satan and Satan is evil, that God created evil, therefore God is evil. The truth of this matter is in God’s creation intention. Because God is love, He desired a creation to love. The nature of love is to share willingly. Love does not exist within creation without choice. If you cannot choose, you are inanimate, incapable of love.

What people do not realize within this argument is the first degree of sin nature. Sin nature will always look to blame others for their own choices. This is evidenced by the reaction of accusing in man’s first sin, as stated in Genesis 3:12 The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. The first accusation is against God for creating the woman. The woman blamed the serpent, the devil made me do it.

Ultimately this all boils down to refusing to accept responsibility for the choices we make. Good choices result in blessings, bad choices result in curses. If there were not different results for choices, then there are no choices and all things would be equal. For that to be true, God would have to violate His attribute of being just.

According to Hebrews 6:18 it is impossible for God to lie. God spoke to Moses the warnings of choices, both blessings and curses. A warning is only a warning. If you do not heed the warning, do not blame God for the results. That would be like telling the traffic cop that you do not deserve that speeding ticket because it is the fault of the speed limit sign.

Dead gods

“The first thing to be clear about here is what should be an obvious fact: Nietzsche did not say “God is dead” – just like Shakespeare did not say “To be, or not to be,” but instead merely put them in the mouth of Hamlet, a character he created. Yes, Nietzsche certainly wrote the words “God is dead,” but he also just as certainly put them in the mouth of a character – a madman, no less.” Austin Cline

I find it very interesting that lazy men, void of any resemblance of truth, should quote a madman as if his words carried any weight of authority. The thinking behind the use of that line “God is dead.”; is true if you rephrase it like this.

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Psalm 97:7 Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye gods.

Man makes gods, little g, of many things, dead things. In them there is no life and they can do nothing for you. Their promises are constructed in the imaginations of lustful desires, created by man. In this sense gods are dead.

That is not what Nietzsche meant nor is it the intent of those who misquote his designed intent.


1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;


Apostacy, a falling away from faith, by the church, in creating images rather than serving God, is the warning Nietzsche was making thru the madman. This is what the unbelievers see in churches who have demonstrated apostacy, a dead church, void of life.