Exodus 17:7 And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying, Is the Lord among us, or not?
Massah means temptation and Meribah means contention. Is that all that is to be learned here? Not by a long shot. There is so much to be learned by all the events, causes and effects, attitudes and actions, that no devotional could speak to all of it. It is just too much. If I had to boil all that is meaningful down to one salient point which we could use I would pick just this one thing.
When there is contention in the assembly, glorify God.
The reason is simple enough even though it might not be obvious reading all accounts. Glorifying God heads off all the troubles that resulted because of the contentions. Staying out of trouble, walking down the right path, heading towards blessings and away from consequences should be our goal for the individual and for the congregation.
When the problem isn’t clear, glorify God. When the answer is not clear, glorify God. When doubt arises, glorify God.
Those who will not glorify God in those moments will quickly be seen for what they are and God will deal with them. Our responsibility is to glorify God and to do those things which make for peace and the bond of unity within the congregation. Those among you who cannot will eventually leave your midst.
Hebrews 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Glorify God in those moments, allow Him to do the shaking.