Not Me

Psalm 10:4 The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

No one likes to be called wicked. If you do, then I must agree with you, you are exceedingly wicked. That vast majority of society does not give in much thought. A vandal carrying out a television out through a broken store window was taped saying, “I’m getting mine.”

Entitlement is the newest rage, worthy has been left far behind. Here is a spiritual truth we all share, we are entitled to death. Job posed the issue of entitlement judiciously when he said, “Naked came I into the world and naked shall I leave.”

Those of us who love justice recognize the issues of entitlements as being things that are earned by hard work and forward thinking plans, like the ant of Proverbs 6 that stores up winter supplies. The wicked are predators but they do not think of themselves as wicked.

When it comes down to the truth, it is wicked not to consider God, not to seek God, not to fear God. It does not matter what you do or refrain from doing in this world if you do not acknowledge God in all you ways. The truly wicked embrace life as carelessly as one who believes in nothing. The truly good embrace life as a stage upon which they are cast as the lead. If they could see things the way God seeing them, they would discover themselves in the same boat with each other.

At to that the religiously pious in who the act of doing good is their sufficiency and not Christ Himself. They are the ones whom the Lord disclaims, they are the ones wailing and gnashing their teeth in Matthew 13:50.

They were caught up in the net, but never made it into the safety of the boat.

His Will

Philippians 2:13

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. KJV

[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight. AMPC

I bring you both the King James and Classic Amplified versions of Philippians 2:13 in order to demonstrate the extent of His will. In many ways the KJV leaves you wondering “Where am I in all this if God will and God does whatever He wants?”

In truth God can will and do without us. He just chooses not to do so. The reason is twofold. First and foremost is the fact He is in covenant relationship with you and includes you in the same way we like to do things with those we love, inclusion. The second reason is a demonstration of that relationship to a lost soul whom He is calling, an invitation.

Every lost soul longs to know God. Seeing God with us is the promise of hope that they too can have what we have, because we were not different than they once. No one is special without God. That added in the AMPC, [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], is the effectual working in us that which we could not do alone without God.

This born again life is a reanimation of the spirit, baptized into His death and resurrected into His life. What does life with Him do if nothing else but show Himself in ways we cannot!

In many ways my confession was to say, “I don’t want to be this way anymore.” I had seen there was a better way only because it was demonstrated in the lives of people who had already been transformed.