Proverbs 15:23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!
He really likes to hear himself talk.
I wonder how long that thought has been around. Maybe here in this Proverb is a hint of that very thing. As I am pondering this issue many things come to mind about our speech. Do we talk at people, to people or with people?
Some talk at people from a false sense of worth. Their ego is so inflated that they perceive their speech pierces the dullness of ordinary lives and gives them something they lack. They do not care about that person in front of them, their situation, their pains or concerns. They do not even care to receive anything in return for the opinions of others will need to be corrected.
Some talk to people because they have something of value to share, not because it is their own invention but because truth revealed has value in and of itself. Their audience chose to come, listen, learn, absorb and find value. The purpose in this speech is to enrichen a life, to provide for a need, and while interaction is welcomed it is not necessary. The speaker knows that truth will accomplish what needs to be done without explanation.
Speaking with people is a clear sign of relationship. Involvement in concerns, pain, troubles, and intimate details that few others get to hear is the core of the conversation. Love is extended and returned. It is personal and it establishes trust. Both parties involved receive a blessing.
The right word at the right time to the right person will most likely occur in this third setting. If God has a word to help enrich a life, it is most likely to be given to people who love as instructed.