Model Love

Matthew 22:37 English Standard Version (ESV) And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

Mark 12:30 English Standard Version (ESV) And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Luke 10:27 English Standard Version (ESV) And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew was the only synoptic gospel writer who was one of the twelve original apostles. Note closely that his version did not include the word strength. Mark and Luke experienced human effort in obedience of love. Matthew did not feel the necessity of human effort because he walked with Jesus while Jesus ministered love to the world perfectly.

Seeing love modeled in a personal relationship should be effortless but we are human and without a proper vision of that love we tend to make efforts to attain to it. Our flesh will make it feel like a strenuous effort. We will struggle, it takes supernatural strength we do not possess.

A word from a wise elder helps ease that struggle. “Let go and let God.”

Being in control is something we all experience. Being out of control feels terrible. Letting go and letting God is a step of faith that requires complete trust in our God. God loves those we do not and we are called to love the unlovely. Allowing God to love them through us takes an obedience of faith that most of us struggle with.

Letting go and letting God is something that is achieved by developing more trust in God more than ever before. That takes time and experience. We should not expect instant results.

Be patient with self.

Modeling His Life

John 5:30 English Standard Version (ESV) “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”

Follow Jesus in this way.

Picking up where we left off yesterday this passage brings us everything we need to model our lives after how Jesus lived as a man.

Do not act alone. We are in covenant relationship with the God of the universe and that relationship with Father God is the basis for eternal life which begins to be lived out now. Nothing should be done in a vain attempt to satisfy self. Selfish motivations are actions done alone, without God.

Secondly and perhaps the most important of these steps is to hear Father God. We have been given spiritual ears and eyes to hear Father God. We have been given the Holy Spirit who speaks only the truth and witnesses no one except Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit acts in power according to the will of Father God.

I judge is validation of instructions. We are human and nothing should be done impulsively. Did we hear God or the lies of the enemy? Yes we can hear the lies of the enemy even though we have this covenant relationship with God. We live in the world which is Satan’s realm and as such he is using every influence within his power to thwart God’s plans.

Just judgement comes into play by balancing everything we have heard against everything we know about Father God. In order to do that we must know Him with intimate details having a right understanding of His Word. That takes dedication to this relationship. Spending time with Him in His Word is something we cannot do alone. His Word is in us, His Word is true, and His revelation is a knowing that surpasses knowledge. It is love.