Look Behind

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

As I pick up my cup of coffee and take a sip, I do so without much thought of what it takes to make the connection between will and action. I just do it.

Have you ever had a stroke or been close to someone who has suffered a stroke? It becomes painfully clear that there is a great deal more than just will in any act. Connections are broken and if one is lucky parts of the brain that are not damaged can be trained to take up the slack where there is loss.

Have you ever been fortunate enough to have your memory stirred to recall scripture with relevant understanding when reading a devotional? Does the Holy Spirit bring to mind other scriptures that enhance your reading? Does He draw connections for you between the Word and life events? Does He comfort, exhort, correct and instruct you?

Does He still do that or as with a stroke patient do you find force of will is no longer enough? Have you given up trying to reestablish the connection between will and action? Faith is the connection between the will of God and the life we live. The just shall live by faith. Do you hear the scripture? Is there still a spark of connection the Holy Spirit is trying to exercise?

2 Peter 3:1b I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:

Edited and reposted from 1/31/2014. Still good today, and so is God.

In Pursuit

Proverbs 21:21 English Standard Version (ESV) Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.

We are in a foot pursuit, not a car chase. We are much less likely to have a fatal crash on foot.

That is a cryptic message and will be useless for most people but might resonate with a few.

This life we have in Christ is a walk. His disciples walked with Jesus while He led them in a time when His ministry was performed by Him. Then He sent out His disciples to minister to the lost a word of salvation. He was there for them when they returned. For a time.

Now we live in the church age and that age is all about the bride, us, and our relationship. We as the bride have the indwelling presence and we are never separated, He is a part of us, and we are in Him.

How can we seek a righteousness that is already in us? Jesus is our righteousness, we are right with God because we are in Christ and He in us.

The answer to that question is that His righteousness goes out before us as we walk with Christ.

The reference of the car chase is a metaphor for a drive by shooting. If we speed by and shoot out righteousness in the hood, it will hit the lost but kindness is lost in the act and no glory goes to God. No honor would be given to Christ in us in our pursuit.

Don’t be in such a rush in our pursuit. Time is all we have left, everything else is already accomplished and abides in His finished word. 

Life passes us by at a much faster pace these days and it is easy to get caught up in the life that appears to be rushing past us. That is the world, that is flesh, that is not our relationship with our Lord. One of the greater aspects of walking with the ones we love is the time spent together. It is not the work that matters, it is being a cherished part of it in this bond we have in Christ.

It is a walk not a joy ride.