John 1:12 English Standard Version (ESV) But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
How old were you when you believed by saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ?
There will be some who have never heard it put to them in that manner. The gospel is preached to us in very simple terms.
The only gospel that addresses the issue of being born again is the last gospel, the gospel of John. It is the only gospel that is not synoptic. There is a reason for this and its order was preordained by God. It is the same reason that the word predestined was not mentioned in any of the gospels and does not appear until Acts.
We were not spiritually developed enough to accept those truths. At least not yet.
John 3:3 English Standard Version (ESV) Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
It is difficult for a new believer to understand when they are born again that they are born spiritually blind. They have heard and read the gospel and they believe in Christ and upon their baptism they wake up in the world that is visually the same. They are yet to see the spiritual kingdom.
The reason I asked how old you were when you believed by saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is because many of us seek to come to Him as just our savior. We have not yet seen Him as Lord. That identity is spiritual and is not seen with earthly eyes,
Just as babies that are introduced to their earthly parents, those identities come into focus as the natural eye adjusts to being alive. They recognize their parents by repetition of relationships. They see nothing of the world until the parents introduce them little by little as they are ready to receive those experiences.
The kingdom of God is no different. We will not see into the spiritual realm when and how the Lord our God deems us ready to receive those truths. The truth that opens our eyes to more truth is the one where we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and submit to Him.
No one is a servant until we submit to His Lordship.