Every Answer

Ephesians 4:29 English Standard Version (ESV) Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Looking to the Word for answers we may find we have questions that are not answered directly and need more study. One in particular comes to mind in today’s verse of the day.

“As fits the occasion” is open ended advice. At this reading my thoughts went to an awkward moment in my own life when words of comfort failed me. That was at my wife’s funeral.

I found no comfort in platitudes and common phrases we all hear way too often. 

My condolences didn’t cut through the pain.

I am sorry for your loss held no sincerity.

She’s in a better place only added to the pain.

Mark 16:10 English Standard Version (ESV) She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

Only my son wept with me and in our grief the Holy Spirit came to us like a soothing breeze, not taking away our pain, but making it bearable. My son said “I felt that.”

His words still echo through my memories today, eighteen years later. We shared something extraordinary at a moment when no one else could touch our pain. It was a God moment I will never forget.

Matthew 5:4 English Standard Version (ESV) Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

God has an answer for every awkward moment.

The Burger King

  • Jeremiah 4:18
    Your ways and your deeds have brought this upon you. This is your doom, and it is bitter; it has reached your very heart.”
    Ezekiel 24:14
    I am the Lord. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it. I will not go back; I will not spare; I will not relent; according to your ways and your deeds you will be judged, declares the Lord God.”

Once again doing a scripture search for the phrase “have it your way” we find the results that tell us that God is not “The Burger King”.

We have free will, we can have it our way. What is on the menu?

Burger King changes its menu to satisfy its customers. That franchise feeds off the pride of  choice. 

The King of Glory does not change His menu. It does not cater to the whims of man. He has set the table before us and we will eat or we shall go hungry.

Psalm 34:10 English Standard Version (ESV) The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

What is on the Lord’s table is all good. Is it to our liking? Is it what we want?

Here is a random thought, when at the Lord’s table, what do you put on your plate? Do we think that we actually get to pick and choose what we partake of at the Lord’s table or is this a formal dinner where servants place those items before us according to the Feast Master’s planning?

These are things we rarely think about. We go about our day making plans for our lives as if we are making all the choices. Then suddenly something goes wrong. This is not according to plan, this isn’t what we had envisioned for ourselves.

What got in our way varies greatly. It could be as simple as a phone app that isn’t working properly or test results from our doctor that brings bad news. Whatever it is, we have to deal with the frustration of not getting things our own way.

Has it reached our heart as Jeremiah says or have we considered Isaiah’s words in how we shall be judged?

Sound judgment is found by serving the right King.