My Moment

Acts 16:30-31 English Standard Version

30 Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

An event happened to this jailer that brought him to a point where he asked the vital question and received the simple answer. Simple answers are always best when the lost ask that vital question.

My moment was much different than the jailer’s. We all have a moment when we can see a need for change especially when we feel helpless to achieve it on our own.

My older brother was removed from the family because of violent unacceptable behavior. Mom and dad had lost control over his behavior. He was 16 and I was 8 at the time.

Eight years later I found myself falling into the same pattern of uncontrollable anger. I had no control over my anger. I didn’t even know why I was angry all the time. I was concerned that the fate of my brother would fall on me next.

One Sunday at the altar call I found myself praying my first ever prayer to a God I did not know and did not understand. I was not even sure it was a prayer.

“I don’t want to be like this.”

At that moment my hand went up and my anger drained away from me and has never returned.

Understand this event happened sixty years ago. I am only left with vague recollections of the feelings I had in that moment. My analytical mind has tried to understand all the implications of that moment and I am reconciled to the fact that I did nothing more than open up my heart in that moment and say what I really felt. God did the rest.

I didn’t understand how it happened or why it happened, I just accepted that it did happen.

I did not know what was going to happen next, what to expect, or what to do. All I knew was that God showed Himself capable of causing a change in my attitude through no will of my own.

I have learned much about this God that loved me enough to do that for me over those sixty years and I have come to this point where I must ask this of you;

Can you honestly open your heart to God and see what He might do for you?

God is Love

Romans 5:10 English Standard Version (ESV) For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

A-1VerbStrong’s Number: g2644Greek: katallasso

Reconcile, Reconciliation:

properly denotes “to change, exchange” (especially of money); hence, of persons, “to change from enmity to friendship, to reconcile.” With regard to the relationship between God and man, the use of this and connected words shows that primarily “reconciliation” is what God accomplishes, exercising His grace towards sinful man on the ground of the death of Christ in propitiatory sacrifice under the judgment due to sin, 2Cr 5:19, where both the verb and the noun are used (cp. No. 2, in Col 1:21). By reason of this men in their sinful condition and alienation from God are invited to be “reconciled” to Him; that is to say, to change their attitude, and accept the provision God had made, whereby their sins can be remitted and they themselves be justified in His sight in Christ.

What part of reconciliation tells us that God loves us? In many ways this appeal is analytical in nature and must be studied to understand every implication surrounding why God would give up His Son’s life for ours.

We are not all analytical people, some of us are emotional creatures. When you want to feel the love of God there is a fair amount of trust that is required to take that leap of faith and accept an offer that is not completely understood.

If we look at John 3:16 as an expression of the great love that God has we might be able to comprehend the price He paid for millions of souls which reduces our portion to a miniscule part in the overall scheme. That does not make us feel special. That does not build trust in us to feel the love of God as an individual.

Our experiences with natural love results in feeling special, being chosen to be loved by another in such a way that they forsake all others to love us. That makes us feel special, that builds trust. We learn the give and take in loving relationships and this initial offer of unmerited favor does not see what God has to gain from sacrificing His Son for the individual.

What will it take for you to trust God enough to accept this offer of a life in Christ when you do not even know what is going to happen because as it says in Vine’s “that is to say, to change their attitude.”

I cannot say what that will take for you my reader, I can only say what it took for me to trust God.