Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Trust me when I say the Lord has done enough for me to say I can trust Him with all my heart. The truth is that I do not always understand where my obedience of faith will lead me. My experience in this life of faith has been exciting for me because I can acknowledge that my Lord has led me to where I am today and what I am doing.
I struggle with everyday life just like everyone else. What has kept me rooted and grounded is His unfailing love. Here I am at 2:30 in the morning and the house is asleep and I get to spend this precious time with Him alone, just the two of us. It is precious to me and if I don’t get my quiet time my day is not as pleasant as I would like. I miss the peace He gives me when I cannot find that time alone with Him.
I have been given the privilege of writing to my friends and to strangers what He shares with me. I don’t know who is blessed everyday with His Word but I know I am. Sharing it seems to be the only sure thing I have where I know I can trust myself.
Trusting ourselves that we have heard the Lord and we are doing His will can be easy or it can be a real challenge. Taking that next step of faith isn’t always steady. Sometimes it is fraught with uncertainty about what is going to happen next. It depends on what the Lord has asked of us.
For those who are not sure if the Lord is using you I can only say this; step out in faith and test the path before you and see for yourselves that the Lord is leading you.
Make the most of your quiet time and listen intently. Stay in His Word. Abide in His love. Acknowledge Him always. Trust Him when He says He can use you.
Love does not disappoint.