First Save

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God first saves us from the penalty of sin, eternal death. This is because the price (wages) for our sins were paid for by Christ. The term for that atoning act is called justification.

Easton’s Bible Dictionary


a forensic term, opposed to condemnation. As regards its nature, it is the judicial act of God, by which he pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and accounts, accepts, and treats them as righteous in the eye of the law, i.e., as conformed to all its demands. In addition to the pardon (q.v.) of sin, justification declares that all the claims of the law are satisfied in respect of the justified. It is the act of a judge and not of a sovereign. The law is not relaxed or set aside, but is declared to be fulfilled in the strictest sense; and so the person justified is declared to be entitled to all the advantages and rewards arising from perfect obedience to the law (Rom 5:1-10).

It proceeds on the imputing or crediting to the believer by God himself of the perfect righteousness, active and passive, of his Representative and Surety, Jesus Christ (Rom 10:3-9). Justification is not the forgiveness of a man without righteousness, but a declaration that he possesses a righteousness which perfectly and for ever satisfies the law, namely, Christ’s righteousness (2Cr 5:21; Rom 4:6-8).

The sole condition on which this righteousness is imputed or credited to the believer is faith in or on the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is called a “condition,” not because it possesses any merit, but only because it is the instrument, the only instrument by which the soul appropriates or apprehends Christ and his righteousness (Rom 1:17; 3:25,26; 4:20,22; Phl 3:8-11; Gal 2:16).

End Quote

Allow me to point out they used the word forensic as it only applies to one who is dead.

  • Romans 6:4
    We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
  • Romans 6:11
    So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

God considers us justified by the blood of His Son and we should believe God and consider ourselves dead to sin. Please bear in mind that consideration is a mental exercise and therefore we must change our thought processes to align and agree with God. That is a renewing of the mind.

Is changing one’s mind enough to say we are saved?

Just Enough

Acts 4:12

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

There are millions who know God is real but only those who have placed their faith in Jesus will be saved.

Romans 10:13

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Is it enough to know we are saved?

I cannot answer that question for everyone, only myself. As a teenager God made Himself known but did that mean I was saved? That is a question that has haunted me for many years. I know without a doubt that I was changed through no will of my own, it was a thing that happened to me with no effort on my part. Seeing change, did that mean I was born again? I don’t know, all I have is what I experienced after that moment.

  • Psalm 95:7
    For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice,
    John 10:3
    To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

I did not hear His voice for decades. Does that mean I wasn’t His until I heard His voice?

I don’t know.

  • Psalm 7:10
    My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.
  • 1 Peter 3:21
    Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

Right after my encounter with God I was baptized but my appeal to God for a good conscience did not come until I heard His voice. Yet strangely enough I felt that my life was shielded from harm so that at the appointed time I heard His voice.

Was I saved as a teen? I don’t know but now that I understand what it means to be saved I have to say not from everything. Salvation is not just one thing. I did not know that then.