DV 10

Psalm 42:8 (English Standard Version) By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.

The multiple names for our God can sometimes be confusing. Those things He does are not who He is, is it? The Father creator of all things sure but He wasn’t alone. The Son was with Him and in John’s gospel The Word was God and created all things. Then there is the Holy Spirit, He was there too hovering over the depths. God is One and I am not sure that has ever changed.

I can say I am not sure because I have limited capacity. 

Revelation 2:17 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.

It would appear that even in the end there are limits. Some manna, not all, and a name no one else knows. If no one knows my new name how will they ever find me or call me?

If in eternity we shall have limited knowledge then why should we think we know it all now?

What I hear in the verse of the day is love, comfort and communion. Should we ask for anything more? But we do, don’t we?

Philippians 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

YHWH-Yireh — “The Lord will provide” is just another name for what God does and He would rather provide for us than for us to get it from the “other” side.

So this is our last day of travel and the last of my Daily Verse series. Tomorrow I will be back to normal, whatever that is.

DV 9

Psalm 16:8 (English Standard Version) I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Yet again His Word touches my life in ways I should expect and yet somehow it comes across as unexpected.

I just sent my accountability partner a list of all the things that are not going according to plan. Duh, those are my plans, not His. I confess that whining about it isn’t according to His plan either, but here I am, being human, one more time.

Being on the road and driving 10 hours a day is exhausting. Rain and crazy drivers make it all the more dangerous. I am surprised we haven’t seen more accidents than we have. Luckily only one happened on our side of the interstate and far enough ahead not to involve us, except for the delays.

Right now it does not feel like I have set the Lord before me. That does not change the fact that He is at my right hand. Nor does that keep me from being shaken. Why else would I have sent that list to my accountability partner, who is asleep right now. I hope he gets a good laugh out of this.

Perhaps this is one lesson from today’s verse of the day, when we make plans for ourselves He puts His plans on hold and goes along with us. He would rather be with us than leave us behind.

Everything on my list of things that did not go to plan are not within my control. The list only emphasizes that I am a control freak. I think of myself as a responsible person but not all things are my responsibility. I can only keep a lookout for that wreckless driver speeding behind me, I cannot control his car. But I would love it if I could.

It is sort of like that song, Jesus take the wheel. Not my car, the other guys.

And that is another lesson for today. The world does not follow Jesus, so be careful out there.