Exodus 3:3b I will now turn aside, and see this great sight,
This is Moses’ burning bush moment. It is nothing except God’s way in Moses’ life to draw his attention away from whatever he was doing. It wasn’t a salvation moment, it God waving at Moses and saying “Hello there!”
Have you had your burning bush moment? I don’t mean that God is going to present to you a burning bush, but rather is just trying to get your attention. I’ve got mine. It happened when I was a teen. Others took it to mean I was saved. I don’t. There was no repentance in the moment. I will admit that God did a miracle in the moment, but the hello moment didn’t save me.
A burning bush moment is when God lets you know, by whatever means it takes, that He is God. It might not sound like a big deal, but how can you get to know and love a story, a belief system, or family heritage? God has to become real to you in order to have a relationship. Good or bad, if He isn’t real to you, then you do not have a relationship.
I hear so many time, “I’ve always believed in God.” I’ve never asked them if God ever said “Hello there.” I don’t because if you say you believe, then it is not for me to deny your word. Only you know why you believe. For me it began with God getting my attention and drawing me away from where I was headed. My salvation came many years later when I repented. That was my long overdue answer to His hello.
God revealing Himself in some way is only the first step. Are you going to be like Moses and say, “I have to check this out!” Or are you going to be like me as a teen and say, “That was weird.”