
Psalm 94:19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Comfort for Christians is an important issue. We all desire to be right, in right standing, to do good, and that is difficult to accomplish if we constantly have to deal with sin issues. More often than not we look to the word justified to comfort us on the choices we have made that haven’t worked out perfectly.

Justified, just as if it never happened. But it did happen. Justified, it is not accounted to your ledger. Isn’t that just bad book keeping? Your sins are nailed to the cross. Why would I take comfort in seeing my hands driving nails into my Savior’s hands?

I find no comfort in justification by taking a worldly view of it. Justification is a God view and to have a proper understanding, I have to look at it from His point of view. In doing so I was comforted with an understanding that satisfied all my concerns.

I see Jesus in heaven with an old fashion hand pump. He has primed the pump, given to us the Holy Spirit. Now He goes to work, faith in action. What comes out and fills the vessel is JUST what the pump was designed to retrieve.

Matthew 6:20-21 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

The pump is drawing from the well of my heart. I take comfort it that is not being drawn from my stinky feet. I will find other words to deal with my sins, I will not justify them.


2 thoughts on “Justified”

  1. A beautiful FRESH view of justification that thankfully takes God’s view on justification. Your post puts forward a most important, basic principle for a Christian’s thinking –“GOD FIRST”

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