Evolved Soul

1 Corinthians 1:26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

The soul is comprised of the mind, will and emotions. It is obvious that all the new science outweighs all the science discovered prior to the last half century. We are now programming at the molecular level. We are splicing DNA. We are on the verge of artificial intelligence. Our minds have evolved.

Our will is stronger than ever. Human drive and determination has led to a number of billionaires that is now larger than the number of millionaires that ever existed in any period in history prior to world war two. Our will has evolved.

We are the most compassionate people in recorded history. More money is given to support humanitarian goals each year than the gross national product of some well developed countries. Our capacity for compassion is limitless. Our emotions have evolved.

Yes we have evolved as souls. Not one bit of that counts towards the salvation of a single soul. All of that if done of the flesh counts for nothing in regards to salvation. It takes the spirit to accomplish the goal of salvation, to reach the end game.

Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

We need to be spiritually minded, not wise in our own conceits.

2 thoughts on “Evolved Soul”

  1. Thank you for the very interesting topic that you are presenting. You have given me the best definition of soul that I have ever seen. May the Lord continue to guide you through this most interesting topic. Your topic and the way you are approaching it is proof that “evolution” is a reality. I know many Christians who are “emotionally allergic” to the word, so I am very thankful for your thoughtful, intelligent approach.

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