Proverbs 31:10, 27-28 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
It is Mother’s Day and time to sing the praises of our moms. Mine has passed away, so I sing the praises of my spiritual mother, Betty Williams.
I called my sister to keep her informed on the events of my life. She told me to call Betty. Betty had been asking after me. So I called.
“Hi, mom!”
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that!” was her reply.
It was no surprise. She only has one natural born son, and he lives next door. I on the other hand am just one of hundreds that call Betty mom. Such is the heart of this woman of God that so many call her mom.
Her oldest daughter was in my class in school and invited me into their lives. I was not raised in a Christian household and I immediately noted the difference. I spent as much time as I was allowed with the Williams. I wanted to be a part of that family, and thanks to Don and Betty I am.
You cannot mention Betty without mentioning Don. This woman was the mother and the perfect wife. A good wife is a compliment to her husband.
As we talked on the phone two thousand miles apart, I was home again, in her warm embrace. She is 91 and I am 71 but I felt like that kid again. I longed to be in her presence but the phone call would have to do for the moment. She was thinking of me and that was so special and so like her.
With all those hundreds that call her mom, she reached out for me. That is my mother’s love.
Happy Mother’s Day mom.
Such a tender and lovely tribute, Lar.
I’m thankful you had (and still have) her in your life.
Good memories, Larry.
Don, Betty, Anneke and I frequently had lunch together in Sanford, Maine before we moved to Virginia.
We always sat near the salad bar. When drumsticks “hit the deck”, Don’s eyes would light up. I’d grab a couple for him. Betty and Anneke were content to pick at a chicken breast and salad.
On occasion we’d visit with them at their cottage on Square Pond. As you affirm, Betty’s heart was big enough to be everyone’s mother. She was a special person.