Bereshis 18:5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) And I will bring a morsel of bread, and refresh Ye Your hearts; after that Ye shall pass on; because for this purpose are Ye come to Your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.
If you are not familiar with the Orthodox Jewish Bible, this is Genesis 18:5. The reason I bring this to you in this version is because of the clarity of wording used associated with purpose. The Lord came to Abraham for a purpose.
Here is the important part to me for today, not the messages so much as Abraham’s actions. If you stop and look at Abraham’s actions prior to the messages being received, you can see covenant communion. All Abraham’s words and actions align themselves with his covenant communion with the Lord.
Now let us skip forward to this present time and our covenant relationship with our Lord. The Old Testament covenant differs greatly from our New Testament covenant. The Lord does not come to us, He abides in us. One thing that has not changed is His purpose. He still speaks to us with purpose, to accomplish two things. He fulfills His Father’s will and He includes us by revealing His mind to us.
This is covenant communion but have we done our part to reflect the same kind of respect of relationship which Abraham showed in Genesis 18?
Jesus said that He no longer calls us servant but rather friend, but does that relinquish us of our responsibility to respect the relationship? Have we taken Him from granted? Do we entreat Him with casual indifference?
He is sharing His life with us. Are we sharing our lives with Him?
I see the connection of which you spoke. Very good. May the Lord bless those thoughts to me.