2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Imagine if you will that you have never had any bible knowledge imparted to you whatsoever. Now read this verse alone apart from that knowledge. It doesn’t make any sense. Logic says if you make Him sin and then find me in Him then I am in sin.
One liners do not tell the whole story. They only inspires those who have already heard the rest of the story. It seems unreasonable that in this day and age that there would be anyone who isn’t aware of the Cross of Christ. It is not your responsibility to throw out one liners. The gospel message isn’t a joke.
Who is in front of you? What is their experience? What kind of exposure have they had to any religion? Have they heard truth or lies? Do they welcome conversation about salvation or argue at every point?
You will never know what you are up against without getting to know that person in front of you. Their story will tell you how to approach them. The people who have come to my door and been successful are those who show they are interested in me, my history and my circumstances. Sadly there have been too few that know how to do that. Most prattle on with a series of rehearsed verses that if they heard it from my point of view it looks more like a comedy show of one liners.
Here is a thought. The next time strangers come to your door, act as if you have never heard the gospel and listen to their approach. If they are Christians you can sharpen their approach with good suggestions. If they are not Christians, well then, there is your opportunity to show them how to evangelize.