John 16:13 English Standard Version (ESV) When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
What must be made clear is that we are all still human with human frailties, experiences, memories and emotions. The term “guide you into all the truth” does not mean we know all truth. It is meant to reassure us that He will guides us in nothing but truth. Because we are human we might not handle the truth rightly if it is presented to us before we are ready to use that knowledge properly.
A baby does not need to know he can cut steak with a knife. The baby is not capable of eating the steak and the knife is too dangerous to handle. While this is an over simplification of the idea of prepared to handle truth, let it be an example of more complicated truths.
Here is an important aspect of the Holy Spirit sharing truth. He only shares what Father God determines to be appropriate and necessary for us to receive. The Holy Spirit serves the will of God not our own self-interests. We might and often do inquire about spiritual truths that we are not mature enough to handle. This is part of our humanity, curiosity. We should seek God and accept anything He shares with gratitude and humility.
The second point to this verse is knowledge of things to come. It is not the gift of prophecy as one might think. It is a warning about the dangers that we will encounter if we continue to walk down this path we have chosen. We are to walk by faith not by will. So often our choices lead us to a point where we have to cry out for help because we did not listen to His warning.