
2 Peter 1:16 English Standard Version

Christ’s Glory and the Prophetic Word

16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Two recent issues have prompted this post. The first is my counselors who are sound in word and helped me by reviewing yesterday’s offering. The second comes from a stranger whom I do not know and has answered questions by quoting the scriptures in context and sincere faith. Both are very important.

One of my counselors reminded me of the many misguided sources of beliefs that have no foundation in truth and are not God’s utterances. The second counselor gave me an example of common quotes that are not in the bible. This third person exampled a sound tactical approach to answer the dilemma of doubt; quote the bible accurately.

Well-read individuals will have an entire library of quotes to choose from and I have no quarrel with that as long as they do not pass it off as being the Word of God. Disciples do not deserve to be fed a litany of myths. These three people from yesterday are mature in Christ. I can rely on them to be honest, respectful and truthful. If they see error in anything I write they have the authority to correct. That is what accountability is all about. I submit myself to them willingly. They have been found to be trustworthy.

Matthew 24:24 English Standard Version (ESV) For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

The only way to prevent ourselves from being led astray is to have this close personal relationship with Christ and to know His Word. The Holy Spirit will confirm truth and deny myths, false teachings, and warn us of enticing words that sound good to the ear but are not authored by God.

None of us are so mature as to reject correction.

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