For “God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
A-1 | Verb | Strong’s Number: g5293 | Greek: hupotasso |
Subject, Subjection (Verb, Adjective, Noun):
primarily a military term, “to rank under”
The primary difference between submission and subjection is determined by who is giving the orders at that particular moment. God is the God of order and this issue of subjection is one of accepting that we are subject to one another by the authority given by our High Commander.
The nature of man is to seek promotion. In Kingdom living we cannot self-promote, our rank is determined by faithfulness in service.
As we grow in Christ we may discover that there are differences in administrations which have a structure different from other sects. I am reluctant in calling them religions because in theory we are all part of the universal church with one founder, Christ Himself.
Some of us find certain structures to be more comfortable than others. Humans will often gravitate to an environment which meets their personal needs. What those things are varies within each individual and while similar we are not all the same. When we allow personal comfort to dictate where we worship it is possible that we might be avoiding some of the very things that bring about promotion. Every muscle must be fed and exercised properly to become strong and useful.
Are you growing in faith where you are? Are you being fed properly? Are you subject to one another? Has the Lord called you to this place with purpose?
Or are you only seeking to feel comfortable?