
Hebrews 9:9 (which is symbolic for the present age). According to this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper,

Please read Hebrews 9 for a more complete understanding of symbolic.

Hebrews 9:8 explains why it is so important as to why symbolism doesn’t speak to us.

I asked my wife “What is the difference between symbolism and representation?”

She said, “One is visual and the other auditory.”

Non verbal communication leaves the message up to the individual’s imagination.

What this means to one person is private and only in talking about it can meaning be shared. It is a fish and without context it means little. It was first used in the Christian community to indicate the direction to a meeting being held. It literally meant “This Way”.

The use of the symbol is meaningless if it cannot lead the lost to Christ. That takes a representative to speak up and present the gospel. In some places wearing the ichthys only brings about hatred because it is symbolic of judgment to them.

This present age uses emojis to communicate feelings and leaves it up to the viewer to think what he/she likes.

At this point I have been warned that continuation into symbols could become political.

This isn’t about politics, it is about why symbols can become idols that cannot speak and cannot  redeem others from the transgressions committed.

Do not allow the sign of the Cross to become just another emoji.

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