DV 4

Romans 14:8 (English Standard Version) For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.

I often wonder how these Daily Verses are chosen and why so many of them read like the editors can read my mind. Again today this one touches on events upcoming on this trip I am on.

On the 17th we lay my brother Ray’s ashes to rest in the family plot. I’ve lost both brothers in the past two years, both from heart disease. It’s a family DNA thing. Their passing has struck me profoundly but not in ways one might expect.

John’s passing left me with a profound sense of responsibility to my wife and what she would have to encounter alone without me. Is she prepared for life without me? What would she have to deal with concerning debt and loss of income? How could she maintain the house bills, insurance, maintenance, car payments, debt payments? So I took measures to fix that and she will not be alone nor suffer financial troubles. 

Ray’s passing left me with a profound sense of loss of family relationships. He died alone. When it comes to healing family relationships it is more difficult than paying bills and getting out of debt. People and family members that are scattered around the country make it hard to get together. Calling and emails seem so impersonal. So I’ve done some traveling, made a few visits. This will be my third in 3 years that has put nearly 4,000 miles on the car each trip. Did I mention I hate flying. You never know when a door is going to fall off a plane.

But it is never enough. It is never the same as being in the same house together and even then it was difficult with divergent personalities and personal struggles. But family is family, so you love as best you can and accept what you get in return.

What I didn’t do was worry about myself. I am secure in knowing where I am going and knowing Who I belong to for all eternity. I am the Lord’s. How my end comes or when is unknown but the final destination is assured. Like most people I would like to avoid pain in passing.

So tomorrow I get to see my 84 year old sister with macular degeneration, her DNA thing. She is a professing Christian, sweet as can be and we will talk and share and be together maybe for the last time here on earth. God willing, we shall meet again.

That is just one of those things when you belong to the Lord, you never know what tomorrow might bring. Maybe even a lost soul who could use some good news.

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