Parsed Verse

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

This is the complete verse which I have parsed over the last three days. The reason for that is the finality of the fourth truth. There is no other way to enter into God the Father’s final solution for eternal life with Him.

All those who oppose Christ will deny this truth. The opposer is the Antichrist. He whispers lies into the life of all who seek a better life and tells them other ways are possible, do not believe there is only one way. That is the biggest lie of all.

From the very beginning this has been God’s plan to fix man’s first mistake, unbelief. That first sin was unbelief in the form of listening to the lie perpetrated by that old serpent, Satan. Believing a lie is no sin, it is acting on the lie in opposition to what God has commanded that opens the door to sin.

Now comes the really important part. Who knows what God has said if no one ever speaks truth to innocence. Innocence for the purpose of this post deals with the issue of knowing right from wrong, the age of accountability comes into play.

Romans 2:14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.

Every society creates a social contract within themselves to identify what is and what is not acceptable behavior within their own community. That is not God’s law but is a sense of what is acceptable behavior and what is not. It is a sense of right and wrong even if God’s law is not taught.

Even in a family that does not teach their children what is right, the child learns by what is punished, even if the offense is not explained. Punishment without explanation is abuse and like it or not, it happens. As much as society will want to oppose social injustice it happens. The problem is that even with social justice and strict rules, they do not change God’s view of sin and His need for justice.

This bible we read and believe is God’s speaking to us about our nature and His solution for lies and sin. We can abide in all the laws required by social justice and still be guilty in the eyes of God. The liar will say “That isn’t fair!” If that is true then it was not fair that the Lamb of God which was perfect and innocent had to die on the Cross so that we might escape eternal damnation.

Only the Lamb, provided by God the Father, could satisfy His sense of justice regarding sin.

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