Will you love me just a little?
Just enough to show you care?
Lyrics by Gerry Bickley
Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”
A song was playing on the radio and these lyrics reminded me of the fragile nature of human love. If we do not feel loved we have a tendency to start questioning if our love is enough. Love is after all a reciprocal force.
The basic problem is our belief in being forgiven. Jesus died for all our sins, past, present and future and yet somehow we doubt His capacity to forgive that which we have not even yet committed. That is thinking in human terms, He is God and capable of so much more.
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.
We have received from His fullness, we have not received His fullness, His capacity is limitless. In our human experience everything has limits, not so with God. At what point in our walk with God can we let go of the concept of limits and realize all things are possible with God?
Perhaps it is like the song says, maybe we can love Him a little just to show Him we can. But then there’s that pesky scripture, love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and we know we haven’t so we start feeling like we failed God. Those are human thoughts and feelings, not spiritual and not how God sees things.
The opening lyrics were from a secular song and derived from a secular mind. Just because they remind us of scripture does not make them Godly thoughts. Our secular minds are subject to memory but that is not the pondering heart.
- Psalm 4:4
Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah - Psalm 101:2
I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;