John 16:12 English Standard Version (ESV) “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”
While we have been speaking to the issues of human nature, this anthem of faith was heard several times. It is this. The Holy Spirit will reveal truth as we are ready to hear it, believe it and act on it. This is the result of influences Christ has had over our human nature. In the last verse of this great chapter Jesus declares that He has overcome the world.
Did He destroy Rome and take over ruling the world? No. He was to be tempted in every way man can be tempted and remain without sin. He controlled His human nature and did not allow it to interfere with His mission.
Now with the help of the Holy Spirit, we too can control our human nature. We are not subject to every whim of our natural humanity. With His help we too can be overcomers.
What makes this verse important among so many great verses in John 16 is the issue of preparedness. If we are not ready to receive the truth, hear it, believe it and act on it, then it will be withheld until we are prepared. Thinking of it in human terms, we do not issue drivers licenses to infants.
God’s plan is to raise up a whole new generation of faithful believers. As brothers and sisters in Christ we have a place in a rather large family. Large families have complicated relational dynamics. We are all growing in Christ and as with any family, some grow faster than others. The growth in this kingdom is not genetic, it is based on faith and grace.
Romans 4:16a English Standard Version (ESV) That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring….