All posts by Larry

Soap Operas

Proverbs 20:19 He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.

When growing up I was made to play outside, often alone. When I would come into the house for a drink of water, or to use the bathroom, the television was on soaps. I never gave it much thought at the time, but perhaps my mother was enforcing Proverbs 20:19 in my life.

I got glimpses of soap opera life and I did not get a right understanding of what they were all about. Were those soap operas a true reflection of life in America? For all I know, which was little, they were my mother’s daily fix of gossip.

Today we have “reality TV” which I do not watch. I see commercials for them and for the most part I do not think they are about gossip. I think they are about feeling good about ourselves. “At least I am not like that.” Oops, the Pharisee said that of sinners and was not justified before God. So what is it about this voyeuristic lifestyle that is so popular?

Perhaps it is because I don’t want to do a self-examination of my own short comings. Perhaps I don’t want to read my bible because I don’t want to see myself in those pages. The Word is good for correction, 2 Timothy 3:16. If you avoid reading your bible for this reason, guess what, you already know your shortcoming.

Matthew 9:12b They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

Take you medicine.



Do Not

Romans 14:1 Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. NASB

What does weak faith look like? Do you tie it to works as the scriptures indicate in James epistle? Is weak faith the same as little faith? Jesus said little faith can move mountains, that doesn’t sound weak. Is weak faith even a bad thing? Here Paul tells us to accept those of weak faith.

Paul goes on to warn us, do not judge them. Not their works, not their service, not their attendance, but rather Paul says do not judge their opinions. I cannot think of anything that will shut down a witness faster than to be judged or ridiculed by your own brothers and sisters in Christ.

Do you share your opinions without fear? Do you share them at all? When it comes to group meetings, do you hold back, not willing to share? Is weak faith a timid voice? No? Then what is weak faith? You do not have to go much further in Romans 14 to discover Paul’s meaning.

Romans 14:2b he who is weak eats vegetables only. NASB

Paul is talking about our spiritual understanding of the scriptures. We will have weak opinions if we have weak understanding. We know from Hebrews that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Your opinions may be weak because you do not right discern the Word of God.

Do we all need to be bible scholars and teachers? No. If we are to use the bible to regulate our lives, to give our lives meaning, purpose, and direction, then some level of understanding should be attained. That cannot be left to the responsibility of preachers and teachers, it is personal and tailored to who you are by God.

John 14:26b the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things