All posts by Larry


Genesis 30:30 For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the Lord hath blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?

If you know this scripture then you will see me take it out of context, for it has nothing to do with the church. It does however serve to make a valid point about church growth. Leadership isn’t responsible for church growth. We often look to the church leadership because they lead.

Let me point out two vital points to growth as it relates to Genesis 30:30; 1) growth comes from the Lord in blessing your activities, 2) future leaders are grown from within.

So often churches are so concerned about keeping the lights on that they look only to the short term problem and expect too much from too few. A church that depends solely on a few faithful men will die out when those men die. The answer isn’t in large churches either. Large churches focus on numbers and financial success, those conditions tend to attract men who like to serve themselves rather than God.

Raise up godly men whom the Lord will bless and growth will come according to God’s will rather than out of our concerns.

Getting There

Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

When you have plans and you just cannot see any way for the plan to be accomplished, it is frustrating. If you have ever written a business plan, you can relate to the complexities. A good plan has a clear goal in sight. So many times spiritually speaking we trust in God to get us there. Often we develop the plan and believe God for the plan, rather than the goal. In the opening verse we see the ever looming “but”.

Think of this “but” as being a resource. Every step toward a successful goal should be a progressive step in the right direction to accomplish a short term task in support of the goal. If you feel that God has given you a heart for the mission field, do you buy a ticket and fly off to some remote country where you don’t speak the language and have no means of support? I hope not. Having a heart for a calling is great but the plan needs more details that mere willingness.

This is an exaggeration of the idea, but serves as an example of understanding your calling in terms of following God thru each step of the process rather than just jumping in heart first without understanding your spiritual preparedness. Even Old Testament men who were asked by God to do mighty works had one thing in common. They had a specific detailed instruction born out of relationship, not passion.

Understanding that God will direct each step will help you improve your plan as you walk in obedience to faith and will help eliminate frustrations. Don’t check the plan for answers, check with God for direction.

2 Timothy 2:21b be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

If you will read second Timothy you will see there is more to preparedness than just being a vessel.