Being Human

Psalm 139:14 English Standard Version (ESV) I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Footnotes [a] Or for I am fearfully set apart

Being human is unique in the animal kingdom. We can understand the idea of being set apart from all the other animals. Some resent being classified as an animal. This is not to argue that point but to explore what being human means.

There are two distinct paths that are followed in defining what it means to be human. The first is anthropology. That is genetic in design. We evolve as a species and if we want to argue that point please look at the first photographs that are available to show us what mankind looked like some 200 years ago.

The nature of man has not changed but our appearances have changed. We as a species have become bigger and stronger and better looking from all appearances. Not everyone but in general. Because the amount of pure knowledge in the scientific fields has increased exponentially over the decades there is a sense that we have become smarter as a species.

The second approach is created beings. This begs to be seen as being created by a god with creation abilities. Excuse the use of the small g as opposed to the capitol G. In the arena of creation the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does not stand alone. There are many cultures with many gods but to identify the one true God that created everything is a Herculean task unto itself.

At this point we must ask ourselves which god has made Himself known. Which god has made Himself known in any real and tangible way that is known to each and every believer in a personal way?

This is where the fear part of creation takes on its most salient point.

Since God loves us and gives us free will there is always the danger that we might choose to leave Him.

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