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Happy New

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

What better way to start off the new year than to take on a newness of life? Every year millions of people make new year’s resolutions about changing their lives. So in the spirit of new, allow me to give you a new way of looking at resolutions.

The possessive indicator ‘s is placed on the word year. The resolution belongs to the year not you. I know that you made the resolution but in doing so you gave over control to the year. It is the year that dictates success or failure because the only thing that has changed is the date. You are still the same person you were last year, you still struggle with the same problems you had last year. Nothing has changed but the date.

What if when you wake up tomorrow you didn’t have a past? All those things that dragged you down and haunted you would be gone wouldn’t they? You would not have a new year’s resolution because there would be nothing to change. You would wake up to the possibility of doing a new thing, all things would become brand new.

We who are in Christ know how that feels. We know how it works. Does that sound like something you might like to explore? If so, come back tomorrow and we will talk about Jesus Christ and all that He can do for you.