
Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

I don’t watch reality television. I see the ads and I just don’t see the attraction. Watching others opening themselves up to ridicule doesn’t make sense to me. It does not make me happier to see others being silly about how they live life. Some actually flaunt their sins before viewers and that mystifies me to no end.

I think about the Pharisee from Luke 8 when I see these ads. It is a form of deflection; see I’m not that bad. But I am bad, I am a sinner. My forgiveness is not based on other people’s sins. I have to confess my sins in order to find forgiveness.

Do people really feel better about themselves by watching the train wreck that is other people’s lives? Well I am confused if they do. If I am laying in an emergency room with a broken leg, I won’t get relief by watching the guy in the bed beside me writhe in pain. We both need a shot.

People do all kinds of things to make themselves feel better don’t they? None of the application of pain relievers last. Eventually you feel the pain again. The only cure for inner turmoil is forgiveness for your own condition.

James 5:16a Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.


4 thoughts on “Confusion”

  1. I don’t watch reality TV either, except for the series “The Biggest Loser.” That program interests me, as I see people seeking to bring “out of control” lives back under control. I am a person who enjoys contrasts, so I am constantly contrasting things on the program to spiritual actions. The constantly trying to better themselves physically, is a contrast with Epeshians 2:8 & 9 ” by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. But there are likeness too–the life of one seeking to please our Lord Jesus is not one of ease in a “row boat” just floating down the stream. It takes an abundance of spiritual energy and endurance. All this given by the Spirit of God.

    1. Ron, from your comment I feel like perhaps my point didn’t get across. I’ve know many hurting people in my life and the last thing they want to do is focus on their own choices. They suffer drug abuse, alcoholism, spousal abuse, child abuse, and fits of misdirected anger. I see good people wasting energy complaining against issues they are powerless to change. The only thing we can effectively change is our attitude by aligning ourselves with God’s will. And yes that does take time and effort, in reading and agreeing with the Bible.

      1. Larry, I just kinda got caught up in the moment, I guess. I get so many spiritual angles from the program, that I know I missed your point. Sorry ’bout that. The point I get, in reconsideration, is to not focus on ourselves, at least this is in part what I see. Just plain useless and does nothing but depress, causing deeper despair. Thanks for bringing me back to reality. This is what I enjoy about this blog–we can talk.

        1. When studying the word I either see something about God or myself. Self reflection is required to determine what to repent. Being saved does not remove all the self preservation instincts. It takes time to be conformed, it is a process. I am not the man I was, I am not yet the man He wills me to be.

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