Critical Thinking

Ephesians 4:29 English Standard Version (ESV) Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Placing the word critical into my favorite bible search engine rendered this verse. The word critical does not appear in the ESV but the code writers did an excellent job of rendering a valuable piece of advice about critical thinking.

In the world critical thinking is defined as the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.

I object.

When it comes to issues of faith it is not wise to be critical. It is unkind to object to every point being made because intellect tells you a complete analysis of the issue has not been made.

Rather than saying “I object” how about saying, “Can we talk about this?”

Seldom, if ever, do we have the opportunity to have a Doctor of Theology in a study group.

A good study group should have the opportunity to ask questions without being criticized. There should be someone who has studied the Word with some level of diligence to help move discussions along without corrupting the conversation.

Rarely is the term “you are wrong” uttered and should be avoided unless a blatantly false theology is going to endanger a participant’s salvation. Those occasions are rare but they can happen and we must be on guard against false theology.

There were times when I wished I had used the words, “wait a minute.”

Critical thinking should not foster criticism. 

One good approach could be, “Let’s see what the Word has to say about that.”

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