
Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Why is it that we do not give steak to new born babies? Simple enough isn’t it, they cannot digest meat. Their digestive systems are not developed adequately to handle meat. It would cause them distress and pain.

So it is with the spiritual strong meat of the Word of God for immature Christians. It takes spiritual maturity to properly digest the Word. Spiritual digestion is food to feed the soul. If I were to force feed you, like a baby it would only cause you distress and pain.

This is why individual bible study, private tastings, are needed to supplement the diet provided by pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is the whole body, both mature and immature Christian, to do no harm, so as not to cause distress and pain.

Growth to maturity is two part. One is diet, the other exercise. You get your exercise in the fellowship of others. Your diet is your own responsibility. You cannot and should not delve into strong meat until your body is prepared to process and use it properly. Maturity is required to handle that spiritual diet. Your ability to develop that digestive system has to be done privately, your pastors and teachers cannot feed you in a public setting.

The words of a doctor are well suited here, “As tolerated.” Growth to maturity is not instant nor does it occur where a proper diet is not used. Babies are not meant to stay babies and Christian are meant to mature.

Amos 7:1 Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me; and, behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth; and, lo, it was the latter growth after the king’s mowings.

Would you like to be able to digest this word? If the answer is yes, then the secret begins with feeding yourselves. “Eat as tolerated.”

2 thoughts on “Digestion”

  1. You have hit on a topic that is a real problem for me. All my working life I was involved in Bible studies and could stay in the mainstream of society, but I have been retired for 9 years and have fellowshipped with those who “feed on strong meat”. My hope is to get back to the basics, so I have been getting involved with “small groups” in the new church we are now attending. I have been helped by your devotions more than you will ever realize. Thank you.

  2. This is a real keeper, Larry. You have presented a clear and loving entreaty to all of us. I appreciated brother Ron’s comments as well. You are hitting the target, dear brother.

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