DV 7

Philippians 1:21 (English Standard Version) For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

This is the simple truth and yet there are those in the world that just do not understand. Jesus spoke in parables, some get it, some do not. Some of the things He said are cryptic and some can decode His Word, others cannot.

When Jesus becomes the Lord of our lives we become alive in Him. We die to selfishness and we gain the better life of love in the Lord. Yesterday’s funerals showed me just how much the love of the Lord was needed to bring peace to the hurting and forgiveness to the bitter.

The gospel is the power unto salvation but some just do not want to be saved.

Jesus loved the unlovely and changed their lives. He told us we can do the same. It isn’t easy but it is the only thing that transforms lives from selfishness to selfless. So many want everything we can give them but reject the love. That is the nature of sin, get what you can while you can.

That sounds cynical but that is the nature of sin and to reach the sinners and show them love, we have to meet them where they are and not allow that to change who we are in Christ.

I am reminded that it isn’t easy and I say to them, “If you can’t do it, let God take over.”

That is cryptic to some, but some get it.

We have to believe that God can use us as vessels unto His Word in this world. If we don’t believe it we won’t make ourselves available to Him.

Do you want God to speak through you, then let Him do the talking.

Some will get that and some won’t. That is just the way it is.

That doesn’t mean we should stop trying.

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