DV 8

1 John 5:12 (English Standard Version) Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · 



  • relating to existence.
    “the climate crisis is an existential threat to the world”
      concerned with existence, especially human existence as viewed in the theories of existentialism.
      “the existential dilemma is this: because we are free, we are also inherently responsible”
    • LOGIC
      (of a proposition) affirming or implying the existence of a thing.
      “the existential proposition that truth and reality are constructed fictions”

If we were to approach a homeless camp and say “Do you call this living?” They might reply “It’s the only one I have.”

It is interesting how the Oxford lays out this logic example of existential; that truth and reality are fiction. This is exactly what the world thinks about our faith in Christ. They think we made it up.

They do not perceive Him so they do not believe Him.

My truth is this, God made Himself known to me in a real and substantive way at the age of 16. That was my reality and it happened before I even understood what faith meant. How can I make anyone understand my experience if they do not believe? It was so fantastic it does sound like a construct of my mind, but it wasn’t for me. That makes it personal.

At the second funeral on Saturday the nephew of the deceased said “You have to make this relationship with God personal.” He sought me out afterwards and we talked. His church has a different label and I do not subscribe to all their practices, but that one thing I heartily agree upon, make it personal. He came all the way from Georgia to be there for family. Family matters, and that too we agree upon.

So how can we convince the family that we love that Christ is real and not some fictional construct?

Live the life He gave us.

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