Proverbs 8:6 English Standard Version (ESV) Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right,
Speaking noble things requires a noble effort. A noble effort requires nobility.
Copy and paste the word of God in a dark place. That is the world according to modern social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumbler, WhatsApp, and WeChat are just the more widely known of more than 100 social media platforms.
Facebook is easily the widest used and best known of all the social media outlets. That is not a recommendation, it is only an opinion. Many complaints have given rise to controls and constraints in that community and rightly so. Great harm can be done without at least some rule of conduct.
The opening verse comes from a chapter entitled “The Blessings of Wisdom”. The words penned are in the “media” voice of wisdom. Everything said there is a third party voice and should not be read as if a person is able to achieve that level of wisdom alone. Those words are released under the authority of the God of Gods and the King of Kings.
The use of His word is not a noble effort unless, like the publisher, the author is engaged in the release of that information with purpose. Without the instructions from the author, the effort is human effort and the results will only glorify the writer.
Will this post be received by those who need it? Will it impact lives in a positive manner? Will it make a difference in any life in any way?
All those things are within the purview of the author and not the writer who only transcribes what is heard. The reader has to decide for themselves if they can hear God in this moment. That is their relationship with God and the message received has to be God inspired.
All noble efforts have God as the author, written or spoken.