2 Corinthians 10:5 English Standard Version (ESV) We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
Are emotions thoughts? We can act out of emotions without giving thought to what we are doing. Rage comes to mind, driven by emotions where we might not have given thought to them.
I seek to be peaceable and find it difficult where I am emotionally disappointed. Certain things just rub me the wrong way and they stem from disappointment in human behavior which are meaningless on the surface.
It began with pronouncing ask like the word ax. Our dictionaries have rendered the pronunciation of ask to include ax, not because it is right but in common use to the point of acceptance.
This is emotionally unacceptable to me to allow use to determine what is acceptable. It has happened in areas of life that have serious consequences. Abortion is only the most heated argument but there are others and can be emotionally charge to the point of not considering a reasonable conversation.
When we stop reasoning with one another we have stopped sharing truth to the lost. God said “Come let us reason together.” Does anyone expect to win that contest? None of us should shy away from reasoning just because we expect to lose the argument. I am not an apologetic and we have lost the best among us in speaking truth in love.
Who among us will take up the shield of defense that was lost when Ravi Zacharias passed last year?
Admire the talent and know a vital tool for truth was lost. Emotionally I desire a replacement for that talent. None of will get to be better at speaking truth in love by avoiding those moments when practicing it is available.
Speaking truth in love needs to be practiced in order to get better at it.