1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Comfort here is the Greek word parakaleō where the most frequent word with this meaning, lit. denotes “to call to one’s side,” hence, “to call to one’s aid.” It is used for every kind of calling to a person which is meant to produce a particular effect, hence, with various meanings, such as “comfort, exhort, desire, call for,” in addition to its significance “to beseech,” which has a stronger force than aiteo. (Quoted from Vine’s Dictionary)
Comfort is replaced with the word encouragement in some bible versions. I choose to use the word encouragement here for the singular purpose of enforcing a future effect which goes beyond the present condition.
Parakaleō elicits a wide variety of emotions. It is meant to touch each of us in that special effect which is particular to our own needs. Some of us need more than words. We might need someone to come to our aid or stand firm with us to evoke comfort or encouragement. For others a gracious word is enough. For some it might just be a scripture that is revealed in truth for the first time.
Encouragement takes many forms and what is found to be effective will come from forming a close personal relationship with others within the body of Christ, fellowship.
What encourages you? Do the people you fellowship with know that? Do you find it difficult to show others that you are needy? Do you appear too needy? A balance must be found in order that everyone’s needs are met.
This is the basis for joining small groups.
My wife and I host a “Small Groups”…..a wonderful blessing to all involved. I would like to encourage anyone who is interested to form or join one. We talk about the Sunday sermon notes, and bring them into the focus of our lives. This promotes a family atmosphere while keeping connected to the message to the church as a whole. The Lord Jesus, in His prayer in John 17, prays specifically, “that they may be ONE, as we are ONE”, and that oneness is certainly felt as we encourage each other in our Christian lives.