
Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Have put on in the Greek is endyō which means to sink into, an immersion, which is better represented by baptism than by cloaking, a putting on of a garment. So often people see putting on Christ as a cloaking, which is hiding yourself in the identity of Christ.

Romans 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Looking here in Romans, Paul is telling us this putting on of Christ is more than a cover up, it is an intentional behavioral change. It is embracing the immersion as one who has willingly given up a former life for a better life. Yet so many times we struggle as a drowning person grasping for air and flailing with our arms to get back to the surface.

Yesterday I pointed to the institutional behaviors that we bring with us. I recognize that changes come slowly and that we do struggle with this new identity in Christ. Since He is Lord and in charge of our change then allow me to point out that this loving God does not want to hurt you in any way during this conversion process.

He has no intention of destroying you in the process. He needs you to be you with all your experiences but without all the negative traits. Attitudes and behaviors are cooperative efforts. He heals the wounds but leaves the scars. They are a reminder of where you came from and indicative of the progress you have made. They serve to remind us to be compassionate to those who still suffer.

This reminds me of what a drill instructor used to tell me. “Lose the attitude.”