
Job 31:27 And my heart hath been secretly enticed, or my mouth hath kissed my hand:

Secretly enticed? Really? Don’t we know enticements by now? Free! Interest free for 90 days. No payments due for a year. Nothing down. For the young and inexperienced that sounds fine but for many of us that have been there done that, not so much.

Let me ask you this then, you wise and well-traveled brothers and sisters in the Lord, what catches your eye? What perks up your ear to listen? You have avoided obvious enticements but what are the secret enticements of your heart to which you give approval?

The mouth kissing the hand is a sign of approval of action. It is to consent that a thing does not weigh heavily on your conscience. It is the secret of the heart, but it is still an enticement.

Romans 14:22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.

Allow me to ask you to test these things you allow by conscience, happily. Are they by faith? Does God consent to the enticements of your heart? Are you in danger of happy consent turning into temptation? It is like window shopping for a new car when the one you have is serviceable and not yet paid off. I am just looking and yet as I see what is offered, I compare those new features against my older model and it begins to stir discontent with a perfectly good car. How long do I have to “window shop” before I find myself wanting that new car.

That is just one example, safe enough, but how many things secretly entice our hearts that are not safe? If I consent to look but not to touch, how far off is that first test drive? In this I am not specifically speaking about a new car. It could be any enticement of the heart. Knowing God as I do, I do not believe consent to this is by faith.

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