1 Chronicles 23:30 And to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at even:
Give thanks to the Lord and praise Him every day, to have the day and to make it through the day.
I have been away from my devotionals for the past three days because the Lord saw fit to save me from pain and suffering. He perhaps even saw fit to save my life.
I did my last devotional and posted it Wednesday May 29th 2019. Soon after that posting I began having chest pains. I did not thank God nor praised the Lord for the pain. It grew worse. At my wife’s urging we went to the emergency room.
The next morning I woke up concerned that I had not posted a devotional for the day. I opened up my bible app on my phone and I read two chapters in the New Testament. About 7 a.m. a cath lab tech came to switch out my IV because the one in my right hand was going to interfere with the doctor’s approach to my angiogram. He stuck me three times failing to hit a vein. It was painful.
I did not thank God nor praise the Lord for the pain.
They found a way to work around my IV and it was uncomfortable. Laying there strapped down like a prisoner, I was subjected to more pain, some of it very painful.
I did not thank God nor praise the Lord.
The doctor found 80% blockage of the Left Anterior Descending artery, nicknamed the Widow Maker. He performed an angioplasty and stinted the artery returning blood flow to 100%.
I thanked God and praised the Lord.
Each little pain led to the discovery and every other pain led to restoration of life giving blood.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Even the pain.
Welcome back, in two senses of the word.
The admonition is there: “in everything.” Easy to read; not so easy to do.